
InspirEmail No 165 - September 14th, 2009
'Inspirational messages to refresh the spirit and boost the emotional bank account'

The Best Dad

Years ago I heard a story of a dad named Paul who gave his young son a small chalkboard to practice writing on. One evening his son called out from the bedroom, 'Dad, how do you spell best?'

Paul answered him. Moments later, the boy hollered, 'How do you spell kid?'

Finally he asked, 'How do you spell ever?'

When the boy showed him what he'd written on the chalkboard, Paul expected to see 'I'm the best kid ever.' Instead, the boy beamed as Paul read the message: 'You're the best dad a kid can ever have.'

Paul recalled that it was one of the best days of his life. In fact, he had to buy his son another chalkboard because he wanted to save this message forever and hang it on his wall. It's still there.

Feeling appreciated is enormously important to adults as well as children. So much so that we often don't think enough about what we'd most like to be appreciated for.

Being appreciated at work is a big deal. Who doesn't want approval and respect from one's boss and co-workers? Beyond the economic value of raises, promotions, and commendations, praise can be gratifying and motivating. That's why good employers look for opportunities to acknowledge and thank employees for their contributions.

Yet as meaningful as work recognition is, if you could choose between winning your child's 'Best Mom or Dad A Kid Can Ever Have' award and being named 'Best Employee,' which would you choose?

The point is not to belittle the pursuit of approval in your business life but to remind you how much more meaningful it is to know you're important to and appreciated by the people who love and need you the most. Your most important job in life is to be worthy of that appreciation.

Being the 'best ever' mom or dad, husband or wife, or friend - it doesn't get any better than that.

Written by Michael Josephson

September's Featured Inspiration

Acknowledging a Special Treat

Going to see a movie has always been a very special treat for me and in more recent years perhaps it is the wide screen, those very comfortable lounge style chairs, the sensational surround sound . . . read the story >>>

The Alphabet of Friendship!

Twenty six ways that friends make your life all that much better.

Absolutely supportive of you
Beautiful on the inside
Caring and thoughtful 
Delightful and charming 
Excellent company
Fun to be around
Good natured
Happy to spend time with you
Interested in all that you do
Jolly and fun loving 
Keen and sharp - they can tell you what mood in you are in just by looking at your face
Loveable and full of compassion
Marvellous at seeing the best in you
Nice when it comes to your needs
Openly honest with you
Positive about the good that of you do in your life 
Quick to comfort you when you are down
Reliable and there for you at all times
Sweet and engaging 
Terrific in lots of very special ways
Understanding of how you feel
Very kind to you when you are sad
Wonder and amazing in the counsel they offer you
Xtra special to you when you least expect it
Young at heart
Zippy at helping you out

Author Unknown

- Inspirational Quote -

Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on their feet
Charles Swindoll

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A monthly positive inspirational story and quote to refresh your spirit and boost the emotional bank account. InspirEmail was first published in November 2005 and each issue can be viewed in the Archived InspirEmail Directory located below the latest issue of InspirEmail

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