
InspirEmail No 278 - March 31st, 2014 - The saga of the lost wallet
'Inspirational messages to refresh the spirit and boost the emotional bank account'

The saga of the lost wallet

I suspect it's an indication of low expectations that I was so delightfully surprised when I found a note on my door Saturday afternoon from a person who said they found my wallet a few hours earlier. Apparently, after pulling out my credit card to get gas, I put my wallet on the top of the car for a moment to answer a phone call. Obviously, I forgot and drove off.

Patrick and Catherine saw the wallet in the middle of the road a few blocks from the gas station. They stopped their car to retrieve it. It was filled with all the things one keeps in a wallet these days, including an emergency $100 bill and other cash.

There was no home phone number, but they got an address from my driver's license, and as true good Samaritans, they decided to drive to my home to return it. When I didn't answer the door, they left a note with their phone number.

When I went to get the wallet I was so relieved and grateful I intended to give them the $100 bill emergency as an expression of gratitude, but Patrick refused. He said he was just glad he could be of help.

Patrick and Catherine were instinctively honest, but they believed in the Golden Rule as well. There were business cards in the wallet with my office phone number. They could have waited until Monday to call, but they didn't. They drove over to my house because they realized the trauma the loss of a wallet and all its contents could cause.

I'm sure there are other people who would've done what they did, but not nearly enough.

Written by Michael Josephson

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Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice. Wickedness is always easier than virtue, for it takes a short cut to everything. But over time you learn, you can't make wrong work.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy and your only reward is that it's easy. You cannot do wrong without suffering wrong.

Work joyfully and peacefully, knowing that right thoughts and right efforts will inevitably bring about right results.

You can never lose anything that really belongs to you, and you can't keep that which belongs to someone else.

You always experience the consequences of your own acts. If your acts are right, you'll get good consequences; if not, you'll suffer for it.

Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences.

Author Unknown

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The time is always right to do what is right
Martin Luther King

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A monthly positive inspirational story and quote to refresh your spirit and boost the emotional bank account. InspirEmail was first published in November 2005 and each issue can be viewed in the Archived InspirEmail Directory located below the latest issue of InspirEmail

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