Positive Inspirational Leadership Stories

Managing and Motivating - Five Ingredients

Thousands of employees were interviewed about what they considered to be a 'great place to work.' The answers they gave were different from what the managers expected.

First Ingredient

The first ingredient of a good job was 'challenging, interesting work.' This is work that kept the employee busy and involved all day long.

Second Ingredient

The second ingredient was a feeling of being 'in the know.' A good job was defined as one where the employee felt that he or she was fully informed on what was happening in the company. The employee felt like an insider, like an important part of a larger group.

Third Ingredient

The third ingredient of a great place to work was a 'high trust' environment. This was defined as a job where a person could feel free to do his or her best and to make mistakes, without being criticized or fired. When employees felt that they were free to make mistakes with no punishment or hostility, they enjoyed their work much more, became more creative, and worked more effectively with other people.

Fourth Ingredient

The fourth ingredient in a good job was a caring boss and friendly co-workers. Often, the human environment was more important than anything else. People like to work in a place where they get along well with everyone.

The happier they felt their work relationships, the better they worked, the lower the level of absenteeism was, and the more productive they were.

Fifth Ingredient

The fifth ingredient for a good job turned out to be good pay and opportunities for promotion and advancement. To the surprise of many managers, the issue, of pay was number five among factors that constituted a good job or a great place to work. Psychologists have found that a certain level of pay is essential for people to feel comfortable with their jobs, but above that level, it does not have much motivational impact. It is only when pay is sub-standard or below what would normally be expected for such a job that it becomes a de-motivating influence.

Action Exercise

Take the time to study your workplace, pay special attention to see if you have all five ingredients of managing and motivating in your workplace.

Written by Brian Tracy

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