Positive Inspirational Personal Growth Stories

Bouncing back

A father took his young son into a toy shop to give him a chance to look at some special gifts he would like to receive from Santa Claus. The father told the boy to have a wander around on his own for a few minutes to see what he would like. At the back of the shop, his young son found a statue of a man made out of lot of colourful balloons.

He looked at the balloon man for a minute, and then he drew back his fist and hit him just as hard as he could. The balloon man fell back and hit the floor, then rocked backwards and forwards and after a few seconds he stood upright again.

The confused boy backed off and looked at the balloon man and then hit him again, as hard as he could. The balloon man fell back once more and hit the floor, but was soon standing upright again.

The father saw his young son hit that balloon man and asked, 'Why do you think he comes bouncing back up when you hit him and knock him down?'

The boy thought for a minute and said, 'I don't know Dad, I guess it's because he's standing up on the inside.'

Author Unknown

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