Welcome to A Gift Of Inspiration'Positive inspirational messages, stories, quotes and images to refresh the spirit and boost the emotional bank account'In our every day life we are all influenced by many forms of media and communication. Often these can be focused on the negative things in life and there is no doubt that we all need inspirational and positive messages and stories to provide us with some balance. In short, we all need to feel good about life, rather than the opposite. As we all live in a world full of constant change, packed with never ending business and personal challenges, often there is little time available to refresh our spirit and boost the emotional bank account. This change and challenge environment which surrounds us all tends to be highly charged with the lots of negatives, which can drain our capacity to really enjoy our . . . read more >> |
Website UpdatesFebruary 9th , 2025 InspirEmail No 407, February's Featured Inspirational Story and over 2000 Inspirational Quotes, Images and Stories in the Inspirational Quotes, Images and Stories Directories and 356 issues of InspirEmail . . . view the current issue >> February's Inspirational Quote Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity |
Featured Positive Inspirational Story
The emotional dimension of New Year's resolutions . . . Commit to feel better, be more positive and be in control
Whether we are happy, content and/or fulfilled can be affected by our physical conditions. But in the end, these mental states are emotions, deep and intense feelings that form spontaneously or . . . read more >>