
InspirEmail No 225 - February 6th, 2012 - Remember
'Inspirational messages to refresh the spirit and boost the emotional bank account'


One woman complained to a friend that she couldn't remember anything from one day to the next. 'Let me get this straight,' he said.

'You can't remember anything from one day to the next. How long has this been going on?'

She said, 'How long has what been going on?'

If your memory is not what you would like it to be, it may help to focus on the few things you really need to remember. This list, compiled from several sources, may just be suitable for framing.

Remember that your presence is a present to the world.
Remember that you are a unique and unrepeatable creation.
Remember that your life can be what you want it to be.
Remember to count your blessings, not your troubles.
Remember that you'll make it through whatever comes along.
Remember that most of the answers you need are within you.
Remember those dreams waiting to be realized.
Remember that decisions are too important to leave to chance.
Remember to always reach for the best that is within you.
Remember that nothing wastes more energy than worry.
Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
Remember that the longer you carry a grudge, the heavier it gets.
Remember not to take things too seriously.
Remember to laugh.
Remember that a little love goes a long way.
Remember that a lot goes forever.
Remember that happiness is more often found in giving than getting.
Remember that life's treasures are people, not things.
Remember that miracles still happen.

Written by Steve Goodier

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What's Prettier Than Freckles?

An elderly woman and her little grandson, whose face was sprinkled with bright freckles, spent the day at the zoo. Lots of children were waiting in line to get their cheeks painted by a local artist who was decorating them with tiger paws.

'You've got so many freckles, there's no place to paint!' a girl in the line said to the little boy. Embarrassed, the little boy dropped his head, then his grandmother knelt down next to him and said  . . . 'I love your freckles. When I was a little girl I always wanted freckles,' whilst tracing her finger across the little boy's cheek . . . 'and freckles are beautiful.'

The boy looked up and said . . . 'Really?'

'Of course,' said the grandmother. 'Why just name me one thing that's prettier than freckles.'

The little boy thought for a moment, peered intensely into his grandmothers face and softly whispered . . . 'Wrinkles.'

Author Unknown

- Inspirational Quote -

Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful
Denis Waitley

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A monthly positive inspirational story and quote to refresh your spirit and boost the emotional bank account. InspirEmail was first published in November 2005 and each issue can be viewed in the Archived InspirEmail Directory located below the latest issue of InspirEmail

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