Positive Inspirational Stories
Positive Featured Inspirational Story - February 1 to March 31, 2012
A Special Brand of Luck
As a little red-haired boy growing up in a small town in Pennsylvania, there was nothing I wanted more than a pony. That was my life's dream, ambition and obsession.
While other boys were trading baseball cards, I was collecting
miniature horse statures. When friends wanted to go the movies or roller
skating, I had to first rule out any horse shows. By the age of eight,
if anything was clear to me it was that If I didn't get a pony,
everything would be wrong in my world. And I understood my only chance
was to win one. Thankfully, though our apartment was too small, with a
rent too large, my parents seemed happy to buy me a ticket for every
win-a-pony contest that came along. They also were quite good at
reminding me how greatly the 'odds' were stacked against me.
a toddler until the age of ten, I entered every pony contest I could.
Whether it was just stubbornness, or the beauty of innocence, or some
kind of soul-certainty I was born with, I didn't believe that luck was a
factor. No. What I believed, with every cell in my body, was that all I
needed to do was stay focused on my plan and purpose, and keep trusting
my heart. What I knew was that there was a pony stabled in my soul,
waiting for me to find her. And that's what I prayed for every day.
Now . . . what kind of story would this be if I didn't reveal, after
such a heart-tugging lead in, that indeed (and in absolute joy) I did
finally win my pony!
What happened was . . . one day while
watching my favourite western theme kids show on TV, I was shocked and
surprised to hear the cowgirl hostess announce that the station was
offering a free pony to any boy or girl who could make the best cattle
brand out of their initials.
'Yee-hah! This is it!' My heart sang out. 'My pony is calling to me!' I was ecstatic!
by a decade of longing, it only took me a couple of hours to take my
initials - TAN - turn the A into a rounded upside down horseshoe,
stretch the N across it like a lightning bolt, name it the
'Lightning-T-Horseshoe' . . . and race to the mailbox. Though I 'knew'
instantly, it was three weeks later before the station called,
announcing . . . 'Congratulations, Tommy, you won the pony!'
After that, everything worked out beautifully - I
appeared on TV to receive my pony, we found a little barn we could use,
and my father even got a promotion enabling us to stock up on plenty of
hay and oats. By the time the universe had wrapped up granting me this
great gift to myself, all my younger brother and I needed to do was -
walk about a mile to the barn, throw the red saddle on our beautiful
Shetland, and joyfully gallop around the country side - of course, flyin
off now and again.
Looking back as a white-haired grandfather
who is still sharing pony stories with my children and their children, I
am happy to remind everyone that the best way to realize your dreams is
to trust your inner wisdom.
I believe William Jennings Bryan
had it right when he offered . . . 'Destiny is not a matter of chance,
it is a matter of choice; it is not to be waited for, it is to be
Written by Thomas Newnam
Tom's wellspring (other
'ponies') include raising a healthy, happy family, while helping others
by working as - a special education teacher, probation officer,
psychotherapist, karate instructor, jazz drummer, watercolour artist and
most recently - authoring his newly released (by Barringer Publishers)
self-help book entitled . . . Memo From Your Soul.
- Inspirational Stories
- Finding a Forever Home
- Grandma's Thimble
- When you thought I wasn't looking
- Left Behind
- Enjoy your nectarine
- The Old Phone . . . How do you spell fix?
- You make a difference
- Lessons from Geese
- The Richest Man in the Valley
- The Making of a Memory
- Wings
- Why The Elephants Dont Run
- The Sandpiper . . . to bring you joy
- They don't walk in your shoes . . . Click, Click, Click!
- The Happiest Day of My Life
- Courage - Despite the Odds
- You just never know
- Learning to Listen
- If it is meant to be, it will be
- The Learning Tree
- The Red Marbles
- The Weeds of Our Lives
- The Distinct Sound of Purring
- Flowers for the Teacher
- The Red Ribbon
- Santa's Love
- All The Good Things
- Yusuf - He's My Brother
- Extra Good Luck
- Hoo Hoo Fraks
- Stand tall like the Sunflower
- Unique Words of Forgiveness
- I Got Back On My Seat
- Brick Wall
- White Envelopes
- Love and Music in Their Hearts
- Birthday Cards with Secret Codes
- Gift Exchange - lessons about life!
- When the message light doesn't blink
- Tenant Farmers
- I know you by heart
- In Clay Vessels
- Letting Go
- When the nest emptied
- When the birdies came
- Broken Eggs and Shattered Glass
- After the applause, make time for words of praise!
- Are you a bucker filler or a dipper
- Choosing Confidence
- The Stone Soup Story
- A Mother's Job
- Hugging Life
- The Perfect Partnership
- Acknowledging a Special Treat
- A Different Perspective
- Life is meant to be lived
- Treasured Traditions
- Rules for a better way to live
- I Just Get Started
- Memories sustain us on Father's Day
- Creating Opportunity
- Forgiving without condoning or forgetting
- Nothing is long or short, hot or cold, good or bad!
- The Power of Discipline
- Sentry of the Homestead
- You deserve an Academy Award!
- All in the Family
- What is your Passion?
- We danced through life
- A choice to make
- Five ingredients of personal growth
- Acres of Diamonds
- If you look like a duck . . .
- The Secret of Happiness
- Harvesting Love
- It's music to your ears
- A Special Brand of Luck
- They are just empty cars
- Thou Art An Eagle
- Encouragement Works
- When you're in the cement mixer
- Plant Annually
- Life and Its Legs
- No Barriers in Life
- Getting Started
- Good Leaders are Good Followers
- How much do you want it to be
- How to improve your vision
- What forgiveness will buy
- Why let that hold you back
- Letting the yeast work its magic
- 9 things that make good employees quit
- The Beginning of Positive Thinking
- Giving Back
- May you be known by your love
- Expand your vision of possibilities
- We are meant for the skies
- Mr Belser died last night
- Are you dead on the job
- What makes us happy
- Motivating Others
- The clock is running so make the most of today
- Calming the muddy waters
- Keeping New Year's Resolutions - the secret additive
- You are unique
- Web of Love
- Is happiness around the corner
- Seeing Life Through New Eyes
- An enriching action
- The Road to Significance and Success
- The real purpose of your life
- With leadership its the little things that matter
- The Obstacle in our Path
- Good deeds no matter how small can change the world for someone
- Accepting responsibility has its rewards
- An Inspiring Thanksgiving
- The Ever-Flowing Spiral of Love
- Clementine - My Very First Dog
- The Little Nail
- His Greatest Treasure
- Their love comes with no strings and has no boundaries
- Three Simple Words that Change Everything
- Words
- Thank You
- Moral Courage - The Engine of Integrity
- The Person in a Different Skin
- Believe In Your Ideas
- I'll Never Complain Again
- You Are Wonderful!
- The Value of Knowledge
- Living In Gratitude
- No Regrets
- The words we love to hear
- On this Day
- Some thoughts on Living
- If You Were Arrested for Kindness
- Attitude over Circumstances
- Gifts From the Heart
- You Are
- Energy Vibes - Are You an Energiser or a Drainer
- The words we love to hear
- Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well
- After all I've said and done
- Some Important Don'ts
- The Little Nail
- A Different Perspective