Positive Inspirational Stories
Featured Inspirational Story - October and November 2015
Why let that hold you back?
Have you ever met someone who (even for a moment) gave you a different perspective on life?
On a Sunday morning, I saw something very interesting as I went to do my grocery shopping. To get to my green grocer, I have to cross a bridge that goes over railway tracks. The bridge is pretty high. A steep set of steps has to be climbed, then the bridge plateaus, followed by coming down another set of steps. On my way back from the green grocer, I saw an elderly gentleman running up the steps. He was wearing white runners, black shorts, and a dark blue polo shirt with horizontal white stripes. After watching him run up the steps so fast, I thought that he must be in a rush.
Before I knew it, he had crossed the bridge, and then he ran back to where he started. To my surprise, he did not stop. All he did was turn around, and then go up and down the bridge again. He was not struggling, and seemed to enjoy going up and down the bridge. Being a fitness fanatic myself, I admired his ability to cross the bridge so quickly. My curiosity got the better of me, and I approached him for a quick chat.
'Excuse me sir. Are you training for an event?' I enquired.
He stopped and smiled. 'No, not training for an event. Well, I am training for life,' he said with a broad smile on his face as sweat covered his brow.
I told him that I admired his level of fitness, and that I hoped to be as fit as he is when I get to his age.
He said that everyone has a choice about what they do with their life. 'I am no different' he added.
Further intrigued, I asked 'What drives you to maintain your fitness?'
That is when he opened up to me.
'I used to be a cyclist' he replied. 'Competing in cycling events is what I loved and enjoyed.'
Then he told me about why he stopped cycling. While cycling one day, he was hit by a car. Initially, it was thought that he may never walk again. He refused to believe that.
'Oh by the way, my name is Arthur. What is your name young man?' he asked.
I put my right hand forward to shake his hand, and told him my name. Arthur continued his story, and said that he wanted to regain his fitness. So, he was determined not to let the accident be a setback. His determination paid off, and he was back on his feet again. His passion for life and for fitness is what makes him cross that bridge multiple times. It is all part of his exercise regime, which he said he would never take for granted.
He further added 'Yes, you will have obstacles in life.' Followed by something which really empowered me, 'Why let that hold you back?'
Totally blown away by his story, I told him that it was an honour to meet a role model like him. I thanked him for the chat, shook his hand, and let him continue with his exercise. He thanked me for taking interest in his story and for having a chat with him. As I walked away, my admiration for him grew even more. I kept thinking about what a warrior he is, and how people like him empower others to make the most out of life.
There are many Arthurs out there in the world. You just have to meet them.
After reading this story, my questions to you are:
* Which bridge will you cross in order to live with passion and purpose? It does not have to be a physical bridge. It may be an obstacle or hurdle in life which you must overcome.
* Will you allow setbacks to hold you back? Or will you have a mental resolve like Arthur has, and let your determination drive you forward no matter what lies ahead?
* What types of decisions will you make that will allow you to get through/around anything in front of you which may have the capacity to hold you back?
* What will it mean to you if you formed an attitude like Arthur's and you became an unstoppable force in your life?
Arthur is a prime example of a human being whose determination outweighed any setbacks or obstacles that life threw at him. Sometimes we take our abilities for granted. We may feel that we are just the average person, and there is nothing special about us. The next time you feel that you are ordinary, please look deep inside and search for that unstoppable character which is waiting to make an impact on the world.
Quote: 'There is an entire world out there waiting for you to bring out your best. Don't keep them waiting' - Eric Thomas
I hope I have given you a simple insight into overcoming obstacles and living with passion and purpose.
Inspiring you towards your excellence and written by Ron Prasad
Author, Speaker, Life Coach and Executive Coach
Ron Prasad is the author of Welcome to Your Life - simple insights for your inspiration and empowerment. He is also an inspired speaker who empowers his audience with his enthusiasm and energy. Ron's articles have been read by thousands of people around the world. His passion is inspiring and fulfilling lives, and sharing his insights with people. He actively supports animal charities in many countries.
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